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The Second Epistle.

II. PETER. This Epistle was written when he apprehended his death (i. 14), and also not long after the former Epistle. It is also addressed, no doubt, to the same persons. Its date is generally supposed to be AID. 65. It is valuable, as containing the last words to his converts of one of the original Twelve, and for certain personal traits, such as the mention of the Transfiguration by an eye-witness (i. 17, 18), and the commendation of Paul and his Epistles (iii. 15, 16).

Summary. I. An exhortation to persevere in faith and good works, by an assurance of the reality of the glorification of Christ as the pattern man, accepted by God, and the Messiah of prophecy (i.). II. Warning of the certainty of punishment on impenitent sinners, by reference to past history, e.g. the Flood, overthrow of Sodom (ii. 1– 10). III. Warning against false teachers, by the example of Balaam (ii. 11–22). IV. The certainty


of the Second Advent, and its warning (a) to the godly, (b) to the wicked (iii.).

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