
« Prev Hymn 345: While saints and angels, glorious King Next »


James Montgomery

For the Children in a Charity School.

While saints and angels, glorious King,

Day without night Thy praises sing;

Thou wilt not humbler strains despise,

The songs of children reach the skies.

Amidst the whole creation's cares,

The meanest worm Thy bounty shares;

Thine eyes the depths of ocean see,

The grave itself hides not from Thee.

While want and hardships were our lot,

Thou knew'st us, though we knew Thee not;

Now we adore Thine hand that sends,

Our earthly comforts, home, and friends.

With these Thy heavenly gifts afford,

Thy Son, Thy Spirit, and Thy Word:--

Thy Word to teach our wayward youth,

Thy pure commandments, God of truth!--


Thy Spirit to dispel the night

Of sin and error, God of light!--

Thy Son, to raise our minds above

This world's affections, God of love!

For all the good Thy grace imparts,

What shall we give Thee?--take our hearts:

O seal them by Thy power divine,

In life, in death, for ever Thine.

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