
« Prev Hymn 211: Full speed along the world's highway Next »


James Montgomery


Full speed along the world's highway,

By crowds of eager travellers trod,

My soul, my soul, a moment stay,

To hold communion with thy God.

He spake with Abraham at the oak,

He call'd Elisha from the plough,

David He from the sheep-folds took;

Thy day, Thy hour of grace is now.

Earth, with thy vanities, depart!

My God, I stand alone with Thee;

Thine eye is looking on my heart;

Oh! what a noon is risen on me!

Struck to the ground, like conscious Saul,

And blinded with the sudden view,

Trembling, astonish'd, "Lord," I call,

What wouldst Thou have Thy servant do?"

My sins, as fresh-committed, rise;

My secret sins, by darkness seal'd,

Before my Judge's flaming eyes,

Are all in naked guilt reveal'd.

Lord, lay Thine hand upon my head;

A touch, a word, will make me whole;

Speak with the voice that wakes the dead,

Peace, pardon, comfort, to my soul.


Then, though I shudder at Thy sight,

Through Him who my offences bore,

In light, as God is in the light,

I walk by faith, and sin no more.

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