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Introduction by Henry Charles Beeching

Sermons on the Card

First Sermon on the Card — The Tenor and Effect of Certain Sermons made by Master Latimer in Cambridge, about the year of our Lord 1529.

Second Sermon on the Card — Another Sermon concerning the Same Matter

Sermon on Ephesians VI. 10-20.

Sermon Preached Before the Convocation of the Clergy

Sermon of the Plough

Sermons Preached Before King Edward the Sixth

The First Sermon preached before King Edward, March 8, 1549.

The Second Sermon of Master Hugh Latimer, which he preached before the King's Majesty, within his Grace's Palace at Westminster, the fifteenth day of March, 1549.

The Third Sermon of M. Hugh Latimer, preached before King Edward, March twenty-second, 1549.

The Fourth Sermon preached before King Edward, March 29th, 1549.

The Fifth Sermon preached before King Edward, April 5, 1549.

The Sixth Sermon preached before King Edward, April twelfth, 1549.

The Seventh Sermon of M. Latimer preached before King Edward, April nineteenth, 1549.

The Last Sermon preached before King Edward — A Most Faithful Sermon preached before the King's Most Excellent Majesty and his Most Honourable Council, in his Court at Westminster, by the Reverend Father Master Hugh Latimer, in Lent Anno Domini, 1550.

Sermon Preached at Stamford

Sermons on the Lord’s Prayer

First — Our Father, which art in heaven.

Second — Hallowed be thy name.

Third — Thy kingdom come.

Fourth — Thy will be done.

Fifth — Give us this day our daily bread.

Sixth — And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.

Seventh — And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

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