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Hymn 4.

8s 7s 3s.

Lord, I hear of showers of blessing.

Lord, I hear of showers of blessing

Thou art scattering full and free—

Showers the thirsty land refreshing;

Let some droppings fall on me—

Chorus.—E-ven me, e-ven me,

Let thy blessing fall on me.

Pass me not, O gracious Father!

Sinful though my heart may be;

Thou might’st leave me, but the rather

Let Thy mercy fall on me.

Pass me not, O tender Saviour!

Let me love and cling to Thee;

I am longing for Thy favor;

Whilst Thou’rt calling, oh, call me.

Pass me not, O mighty Spirit!

Thou can’st make the blind to see;

Witnesser of Jesus’ merit.

Speak the word of power to me.

Love of God, so pure and changeless;

Blood of Christ, so rich and free;

Grace of God, so strong and boundless,

Magnify them all in me.

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