Note 037
From Chapter 56 of the Decline & Fall

The birth, character, and first actions of Robert Guiscard, may be found in Jeffrey Malaterra, (l. i. c. 3, 4, 11, 16, 17, 18, 38, 39, 40,) William Appulus, (l. ii. p. 260 - 262,) William Gemeticensis, or of Jumieges, (l. xi. c. 30, p. 663, 664, edit. Camden,) and Anna Comnena, (Alexiad, l. i. p. 23 - 27, l. vi. p. 165, 166,) with the annotations of Ducange, (Not. in Alexiad, p. 230 - 232, 320,) who has swept all the French and Latin Chronicles for supplemental intelligence.

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