Note 094
From Chapter 30 of the Decline & Fall

Claudian (i. Cons. Stil. 1. ii. 250). It is supposed that the Scots of Ireland invaded by sea the whole western coast of Britain; and some slight credit may be given even to Nennius and the Irish traditions (Carte's Hist. of England, vol. i. p. 169). Whitaker's Genuine History of the Britons, p. 199 The sixty-six Lives of St. Patrick, which were extant in the ninth century, must have contained a many thousand lies; yet we may believe that, in one of these Irish inroads, the future apostle was led away captive (Usher, Antiquit. Eccles. Britann. p. 431; and Tillemont, Mem. Eccles. tom. xvi. p. 456, 782, etc.).

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