Note 015
From Chapter 2 of the Decline & Fall

In the year of Rome 701, the temple of Isis and Serapis was demolished by the order of the Senate (Dion Cassius, 1. xl. p. 252), and even by the hands of the consul (Valerius Maximus, 1, 3) After the death of Caesar, it was restored at the public expense (Dion, 1. xlvii. p. 501). When Augustus was in Egypt, he revered the majesty of Serapis (Dion, l. ii. p. 647;) but in the Pomaerium of Rome, and a mile round it, he prohibited the worship of the Egyptian gods (Dion. l. liii. p. 679 1. liv. p. 735). They remained, however, very fashionable under his reign (Ovid. de Art. Amand l. i.) and that of his successor, till the justice of Tiberius was provoked to some acts of severity. (Tacitus,The Annals, ii. 85. Joseph. Antiquit. 1. xviii. c. 3.)

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