Edward Fisher


AD 1627
AD 1655
Related topics
Controversial literature, Antinomianism, Church of England, Covenant theology, Early works,


Edward Fisher has been credited with writing The Morrow of Modern Divinity (1645). This work's central focus is unconditional grace. He was known as a royalist as well as a scholar of church history and classical languages. He rose in opposition to the teachings of Puritans. Born and educated in England, he inherited his father's estate but sold it. His financial troubles led to a time of teaching and later flight to Ireland to avoid his creditors. It is in Ireland that he died. He left several writings, including London's Gate to the Lord's Table (1647), The Scriptures Harmony (1643), and Faith in Five Fundamental Principles (1650).

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Works By Edward Fisher

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Influence of Edward Fisher

Works published by Edward Fisher

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