
« Prev VII: I lift my hands, and with my heart Next »



I lift my hands, and with my heart

My prayer ascends to Thee;

In mercy take a sinner's part;

Lord, send Thy help to me.

Lo, in the mire of sin I lie,

My raiment all defiled;

O come, and set me up on high,

And save Thy fallen child.

I cannot cleanse the filthy stains,--

I can but mourn and sigh;

For all I do, the guilt remains,

I fail oft as I try.

In mercy, Lord, Thy mercy send,

For merciful art Thou;

And prove Thyself the sinner's Friend;--

O, come and help me now,


And let my life be ordered quite,

As Thou wouldst have it be;

When I am wrong, then set me right;--

Lord, come and succour me.

And hold me up, lest to the mire

Of sin My soul return;

Let Thy pure love my spirit fire,

And base affection burn.

« Prev VII: I lift my hands, and with my heart Next »
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