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Teach me, O Christ, my rest to find
Teach me Thy gracious will
Tell the tidings far abroad
Tempest, and strife, and angry waves are still
Thanks to my God, my best of friends
That, cleansed from filthy stain
That even now, in distant days
That fearful day approacheth
That He might man to God restore
That they may stand while others fall
The angels were amazed
The chariots of the Lord are strong
The crimson blush of morning glows
The darkened mind with heavenly light
The darkness fades away
The day fades into night
The empty heart in sorrow pines
The gate of life stands wide
The heavens their glory shed
The Holy Trinity we'll praise
The hungry soul He feedeth
The judge of all, to Whose assize
The King is on His journey
The King shall come when morning dawns
The might of evil bars the way
The might of sin prevailed,--
The morn awakes; from eastern hills
The morn awakes; up, soul of mine!
The morn in beauty breaks
The morning breaks, I place my hand in Thine
The morning dawns at His command
The Morning dawns; on gilded height
The night gives place to morn
The night in silence falls
The night is gone, now disappear
The notes that fall in sweetness
The ox and ass that filled the stall
The promise which the Saviour made
The rosy-fingered dawn appears
The rosy morn shall fade away
The sailor on the restless deep
The Shepherd heard my cry
The smiles of earth that turn to tears
The solemn feast was spent
The Son of God, who made the earth
The sovereign ruler of our land
The Spirit of all power
The sun has reached his western goal
The time is drawing near
The time is drawing nigh
The triumph of His victory
The vernal glow of spring-time
The whole creation broad
Then all the noise of life was still
Then, far from us shall night depart,--
Then from a cloud a voice was heard
Then He held the cup of woe
Then high at noon the sun looked down
Then kings and princes great
Then let me rest in calm repose,--
Then life with all its ills
Then lift me up, O Gracious Lord,--
Then, Lord, command the surge to cease
Then sank life's tumult like the waves
Then shall I cleave through clouds of doubt
Then shall I lift mine eyes
Then shall our nights no darkness bring
Then shall we climb the holy hill
Then stood the herdsmen all amaze
Then sun, and moon, and stars are lost
Then the night that round me lies
Then when the angels the reapers at the ending
Then, when the morn, that makes the hilltops golden
Then winds their raging cease
There, in weakness see Him lie
There is no darkness where Thou art
There is no friend like Jesus
There is no help, if Thou no help wilt bring
There is no peace to mortals given
There let the power of God be shown
There no sun illumes the day
There youth adorned with vigour
Therefore we own with grateful hearts
Therefore we raise with one accord
These are the jewels all glorious that shine
They bore Him costly gifts of gold
They humbly seek the lowly place
They who battle for the right
They who had ears for the penitent's plaint
They who have dwelt in the darkness below
They who serve Him gladly now
They would find the young King
Thine be the glory, God of Light
Thine be this day with worthy labour filled
Thine the glory, God Almighty
Think not thou may'st safely dream
This be our prayer, O Saviour of our souls
This I have found, Thou dost not fail
Thou art Light, and where Thou dwellest
Thou art my Hope, O Christ my Lord
Thou art my strength, O God my Lord
Thou art not far removed from those
Thou art our Faith, our Hope, our Love
Thou art our joy in sorrow's day
Thou art the Christ, victorious Christ art Thou
Thou art the Eternal Son
Thou art the Light, eternal Christ
Thou art the source of life
Thou cam'st to fill the vacant place
Thou didst die that I might live;--
Thou didst not count the cost
Thou gav'st me, Lord, at early morn
Thou hadst no will but one
Thou hast a power to quell the surging sea
Thou hast a task to do this day
Thou hast a thought for those who tread
Thou hast redeemed them, O Christ, they are Thine
Thou knowest my wanderings in the wild
Thou knowest the path that leads to earth
Thou knowest the paths my feet have trod
Thou, Lord, didst journey long ago
Thou, Lord, hast power to heal
Thou One-begotten Son
Thou Spirit of Almighty God
Thou, the Father's love revealing
Thou who gav'st my soul its being
Thou wilt not leave me in the dark
Thrice did the Master pray
Through death's dark vale He'll lead us--
Through the hours of morning
Thy angel, peace, with us abide
Thy blood was shed upon the awful tree
Thy grace, O Father, give
Thy Passion, Lord, hath freed
Thy power is in the souls of men
Thy priests within this holy place
"Thy will be done, Thy will is best,"--
Thy word and wisdom Thou
'Tis lasting calm, 'tis heavenly rest
'Tis thy load He falters under
To all who meet for worship here
To bring Salvation nigh
To cleanse our souls with holy fire
To Father and to Son
"To God be glory," thus they sang
To God the Holy Ghost
To God thy Maker thanks accord
To lift our minds to nobler things
To the Cross that bore our Saviour
To the faithless, faint and failing
To the fearful heart in sorrow
To the hopeless, bound and sighing
To Thee, O Christ, be endless praise
To Thee, O Christ, be praise
To Thee, O Father, glory be
To Thee, O glorious Light of light
To Thee our prayers shall speed
To Thy blest Cross, O Christ, we come
To-day a wonder we behold
To-day the lips of Adam sing
Triple beam of glory
'Twas God who loved, 'twas God who gave
'Twas love that brought Thee then, and now
'Twas on the Cross He died
'Twas then a voice I heard
'Twas then the heart of love
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