
« Prev Open to me the gates of lovingkindness Next »

tr., John Brownlie



Open to me the gates of lovingkindness,

Laden and sin-stained let me enter in;

Pity my weakness, and my guilty blindness,

Free me in mercy from the thrall of sin.


Give me to know that, in Thy grace abounding,

Thou hast forgiveness for the sin-sick soul;

That, by Thy love my waywardness surrounding,

Thou can'st allure me to Thy sweet control.


Say to my soul, when doubt and fear assailing,

Curtain the light that from Thy presence flows,

Thine is a power, O Jesus Christ, prevailing

Over the threatening of life's countless woes.


Jesus, Who came, and on the Cross of sadness,

Bore in Thy weakness all my sin and shame;

Change Thou for me my sorrow into gladness,

Give me to glory in Thy matchless name.


Open to me the gates of lovingkindness,

Laden and sin-stained, I would enter in;

Pity my weakness, and my guilty blindness,

Free me in mercy from the thrall of sin.

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