Henry Beveridge


AD 1799
AD 1863
Related topics
Commentaries, Reformed Church--Doctrines, Theology, Theology, Doctrinal, Reformed Church,


Scottish historian, Henry Beveridge was born in 1799. His initial desire was to train for the ministry; however, he took a different path. He attended law school and became a lawyer. His gift for writing became his passion, as well as translating various writings. It was Beveridge who translated John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion into English. Several of Calvin's tracts and letters were also translated into English by Beveridge. He was commissioned to write about India, which he did in a three-volume set, A Comprehensive History of India. Beveridge passed away in 1863.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of Henry Beveridge

Works published by Henry Beveridge

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