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The River of God

C. P. C.

Ps. xlvi. 4

From the Rock that God has riven

Flows the sacred river,

Through the wastes of barren ages,

Ever and for ever.

Still on this side and on that side,

Grow the healing trees—

Bearing fruit for all who hunger,

Leaves for all disease.

From the everlasting fountains

Still it flows along,

Making glad the holy city

Of eternal song.

From the throne of Christ in glory,

Rock that God has riven,

Onward still the crystal river

Bears the life of Heaven.

Sheep lie yet in quiet pastures

By the waters still,

Lilies grow in God's green meadows,

Cedars on His hill.

Still to drink the living waters

Come the souls athirst,

Eyes behold the Face of Jesus

Even as at first.

Clad in white there walk beside Him

Still the blessed throng—

Through the ages sound unsilenced

Psaltery and song.

Onwards weary generations

Pass through deserts dread,

Void and silent skies above them,

Under them the dead.

Whilst unseen the Lord's fair garden

Round about them glows,

And the barren wildernesses

Blossom as the rose.

Whilst beside them unimagined

Glide the waters fair—

Whilst around, the psalms ascending

Tell that Christ is there.

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