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22. Prayer of a Husband.

Almighty and Gracious God! Thou who Thyself hast instituted the holy state of matrimony, and by the first miracle of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, hast honored and adorned it as a state pleasing in Thy sight, in which state also many sainted patriarchs and prophets have led a godly life unto Thy good pleasure; and since Thou hast also helped me to enter holy matrimony and hast placed me at the head of my household, and as Thou art pleased with these three things, namely, when brethren dwell together in unity, when neighbors love each other, and when husband and wife dwell together in love and purity; I would therefore pray Thee with all my heart, to grant unto me, that I may, in Christian love and harmony and with reasonableness, live with my wife, giving honor unto her, as unto the weaker vessel and as also being heir of the grace of life, and that I may 036 advise her, with the children and servants, into Thy knowledge and Divine honor in all chastity and decency. Unto this end, do Thou bestow Thy grace, that they may observe my instructions in that which is good and which leads to all godliness, and that they may cheerfully abide in them. Do Thou restrain satan, that he may not cause discord and strife between us, and if we should, out of weakness, be at variance at any time, do Thou help, that we may soon become reconciled again. Do Thou give me grace, that I may not lust after another spouse or woman, or look upon her with an evil eye to desire her. Protect me, my wife, my children and servants against sickness, according to Thy divine will. Grant unto me, Thy servant, that I may diligently attend to my calling, eating my daily bread in the sweat of my brow, and that I may not grow impatient, whenever my task becomes bitter, for thus Thou hast instituted it. Do Thou prosper and bless my substance, that it may increase without injury or disadvantage to others. Give me pious and faithful servants. Preserve unto me 037 my house and home, and all that Thou hast bestowed upon me. Help us to bear the cross in our calling with patience, and after this life gather us together with all Thy saints in Thy kingdom above. Amen.

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