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Priority 3 All 
Status "All"  "Incomplete"  "On the Internet"  "Wanted" "Have Facsimile"  "Have Unformatted"  "Have Formatted"  "Have ThML" 

Title Author Status Proofcount Priority
De Monarchia Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321) Wanted 0 3
Democracy in America Tocqueville, Alexis de Wanted 0 3
Dogmatics Brunner, Emil (1889-1965) Wanted 0 3
Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God Charnock, Stephen (1628-1680) Wanted 0 3
De Religioine Laici Herbert, Edward, First Lord of Cherbury (1583-1648) Wanted 0 3
Ductor Dubitantium (The Rule of Conscience in all her General Measures) Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667) Wanted 0 3
VIEWNAME is Bibliography