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Status "All"  "Incomplete"  "On the Internet"  "Wanted" "Have Facsimile"  "Have Unformatted"  "Have Formatted"  "Have ThML" 

Title Author Status Proofcount Priority
The Reasonableness of Christianity Locke, John Wanted 0 0
A Critical History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation Ritschl, Albrecht (1822-1889) Wanted 0 0
The Faith of Israel Rowley, H. H. Wanted 0 0
Bellarmine, St. Robert Wanted 0 0
The Nature of Atonement Campbell, John McLeod (1800-1872) Wanted 0 1
Machen, John Gresham (1881-1937) Wanted 0 1
Christus Victor Aulen, Gustaf (1879-1977) Wanted 0 1
Faith in God Baillie, D.M. Wanted 0 1
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination Boettner, Loraine (1901-1990) Wanted 0 1
The Second Advent Brown, David (1803-1897) Wanted 0 1
Mere Christianity Lewis, Clive Staples (1898-1963) Wanted 0 1
The Presence of Eternity Bultmann, Rudolf (1884-1976) Wanted 0 1
The Analogy of Religion Butler, Joseph (1692-1752) Wanted 0 1
The Nature of Atonement Campbell, John McLeod (1800-1872) Wanted 1 1
The Doctrine of the Work of Christ Cave, Sydney (1883-) Wanted 0 1
Eschatology, the doctrine of a future life in Israel, Judiasm, and Christianity Charles, Robert. Henry (1855-1931) Wanted 0 1
Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England Chauncy, Charles (1705-1787) Wanted 0 1
Aids to Reflection Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834) Wanted 0 1
The Divinity of Jesus Christ Creed, J. M. Wanted 0 1
The True Intellectual System of the Universe Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688) Wanted 0 1
The Idea of Perfection in Christian Theology Flew, Robert Newton Wanted 0 1
Agnosticism Flint, Robert (1838-1910) Wanted 0 1
Anti-Theistic Theories Flint, Robert (1838-1910) Wanted 0 1
Theism Flint, Robert (1838-1910) Wanted 0 1
The Idea of the Holy Otto, Rudolph (1869-1937) Wanted 0 1
VIEWNAME is Bibliography