out from before-:you but. they shall, be for a
R distress:; to you, ands their gods shall be to
you for an offence..- ' Arid it came topasa
s when- the angel of the Lord spoke these
words to all.the'children'of Israel, that the
' people lifted up their voice, and. wept.
k And they named the name of that. place
Weepings ; and they sacrificed thereto the

And Joshua, dismissed the people, and they :went every man to his inheritance, to inherit!the'land. %'And the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that lived many days with Joshua;. as. many as knew all the great work of the Lord, what things he had wrought in Israel.

s And Joshua. the son of Nane, the servant of the Lord, died, Ya hundred and ten years old. s And. they buried .him in the border of his inheritance, in Th&mgathares, in mount Ephraim on the north of the mountain of Gaas. i° And all that generation were, .laid to their fathers : and another generation rose up after them, who knew not the Lord, nor yet the work which he wrought in Israel. 11 And the. children. of Israel, wrought evil before the Lord, and served Baalim. 1sAnd they forsook the Lord (hod of their fathers, who brought them put of the land of Egypt and walked after other gods, of the gods of the:aations round about them; and they worahi~pped them. 13 Arid they. provoked the .Lord, and forsook him, and served Baal and the Astartes.

14 And the Lord was very angry with Israel; and he gave them into the hands of the spoilers, and the spoiled the.; and he sold them into theands of their enemies round about, and they could not any longer resist their enemies, 13 among whomsoever they went; and the Hand of the Lord was against them for evil, as the Lord spoke; and as the Lord swaie to them; and he greatly aficfed them.

is And the Lord .raised up judges, and the.
Lord saved them cut of the hands of them
that spoiled them: and yet they hearkened:
not to the jud$es,'Tfor they went a whoring
after other gods, and worshipped them; and
they turned quickly out of the way in which
their fathers walked to hearken to the
words of the Lord; they did not so. 'sAnd
because the Lord raised them up judges, so
the Lord was with the udge, and savel
them out of the hand of their enemies all
the days of the judge; for the Lord s was
moved at their groaning by reason of them
that besieged them and afflicted them.
ly And it came to pass when the judge died
that they went back, and again corrupted
themselves worse than their fathers to go
after other gods, to, serve them and to wor
ship .them : they abandoned not their de
vices nor their stubborn ways.

20 And the Lord, was very angry with Israel, and said, Forasmuch as this nation has forsaken my covenant which I'commanded their fathers, and has not hearkened to my voice. 21 therefore I will not any more cast

B Gr. distresses. y fir. son of a hundred and ten years. liebraism d fin repented., This word seems weuerally to etaad for M3.