"Shepherd of Tender Youth"
                    by Clement of Alexandria, c. 170-c. 220
                   Translated by Henry M. Dexter, 1821-1890
                                  Text From:
              (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1942) p.450

	1. Shepherd of tender youth,
	Guiding in love and truth
	Through devious ways;
	Christ, our triumphant King,
	We come Thy name to sing
	And here our children bring
	To join Thy praise.

	2. Thou art our Holy Lord,
	O all-subduing Word,
	Healer of strife,
	Thou didst Thyself abase
	That from sin's deep disgrace
	Thou mightest save our race
	And give us life.

	3. Thou art the great High Priest;
	Thou hast prepared the feast
	Of holy love;
	And in our mortal pain
	None calls on Thee in vain;
	Help Thou dost not disdain,
	Help from above.

	4. Ever be Thou our Guide,
	Our Shepherd and our Pride,
	Our Staff and Song;
	Jesus, Thou Christ of God,
	By Thine enduring Word
	Lead us where Thou hast trod,
	Make our faith strong.

	5. So now, and till we die,
	Sound we Thy praises high
	And joyful sing;
	Infants and the glad throng
	Who to Thy Church belong,
	Unite to swell the song
	To Christ, our King.

Notes from _The Lutheran Hymnal_ Hymn #628 from _The Handbook to the Lutheran Hymnal_ Text: Is. 40:11 Author: Clement of Alexandria, c. 200, asc. Translated by: Henry M. Dexter, 1846 Titled: Composer: Lowell Mason, 1832 Tune: "Olivet"
This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg by Debbie Harris and is in the public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther Library at Concordia Theological Seminary. E-mail: bob_smith@ctsfw.edu
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